Thursday, September 27, 2007


October 5:
I hope to at least be able to get around campus and film the scenery of Clemson: Tilman Hall, Hendrix center, Student Union. Also, I hope to get some scenes with lots of people walking between classes, traffic either around campus or downtown, and scenes of full student parking lots. Eventually, I plan to have a voice narrate over these scenes by the time the film is finished.

October 12:
I hope to get a lot of small, quick interviews with many students. I know certain friends of mine who have had bad parking experiences, but i also hope to interview random kids, freshman and other people who have cars but do not commute on to campus every day, and students who commute to campus but use other transportation other than a car.

October 19:
I hope to get interviews with at least a dozen professors. I know a good few teachers from past semesters who would not mind giving a couple minutes of their time to answer some quick questions about such a higly debateable topic. Also, I hope to interview certain teachers who do not always drive a car to campus

October 25:
This is probably going to the most difficult part- interviews with the parking enforcers and parking office workers. Also, by this time I hope to have gaining the information necessary from the budget, and have made some comparisons and observations from the info.

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